UD004 | FMS 16-00104 | |
3 Rgt Fort Rucker | ||
20/10/2021 | Airfreighted to Mildenhall | Aboard USAF C-17A 00-0185/AK “Reach398“ |
10/11/2021 | Roaded to Wattisham | |
10/11/2021 | 7 Btn REME Wattisham | |
10/02/2022 | Noted flying at Wattisham | As “Gauntlet64“ |
22/03/2022 | To QinetiQ at Boscombe Down | As “Gauntlet65″ |
13/05/2022 | Returned to Wattisham | As “Gauntlet65″ |
05/2022 | 663 Sqn 3 Rgt Wattisham | |
26/06/2023 | To QinetiQ at Boscombe Down | As “Gauntlet68“ |
22/08/2023 | To 663 Sqn 3 Rgt Wattisham | As “ArmyAir319“ |
24/04/2024 | Baltic Region | Operation Linotyper/Exercise Steadfast Defender |
18/06/2024 | 663 Sqn 3 Rgt Wattisham |